—e —- =—~ + Coe. eats oe ed cose ar ——« = ao rin 300009433 BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), DAYS AND HOURS OF ADMISSION. The Exhibition Galleries are open to the Public, free, every day of the week, except Sunday, in January, from 10 a.m. till4 = P.M. February, pea Cen he eae March, Bb” sos gain ago Og April to August, gene = Wkke PPLE Seen | September, du sede. Gas aay, SIRO Gigs | October, bs Me a ema) : November and December, Saget, ag Tas vie ae Also, from May Ist to the middle of July, on Mondays and Saturdays only, till 8 P.m., and from the middle of July to the end of August, on Mondays and Saturdays only, till 7 p.m. The Museum is closed on Good-Friday and Christmas-Day. By Order of the Trustees, W. H. FLOWER, Director. aF Ut Doc GATES LES REPTILES AND FISHES DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY (32 SSIES, OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). ILLUSTRATED BY 101 WOODCUTS. [FOURTH EDITION.] PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1898. Price Siapence, ce 7 pie - em | | i Ul GU | Dre TO THE eee Ey Ey Be f Bis OF fee lok AND« FisHis IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), ILLUSTRATED BY 101 WOODCUTS. [FOURTH EDITION.] PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1898. (All riyhts reserved.) a 42| 509 PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE Tue dry and mounted specimens of Reptiles and Fishes are exhibited in two parallel Galleries on the west side of the ground floor behind the Bird Gallery. The Batrachians are contained in one large table-case placed in the cross gallery between the last named and the Fish Gallery. This Guide gives a general account of the animals belonging to these three classes. The first edition was written by Dr. Giinther, late Keeper of the Zoological Department, and published in 1887. The present (the fourth) edition has been revised by Mr. G. A. | Boulenger, the changes being mostly in the sections devoted to the classes Reptilia and Batrachia. That of the Fishes, except for some corrections necessitated by alterations in the arrangement of the specimens, has been left much as written by Dr. Giinther. W. H. FLOWER, Director. January 31st, 1898. wees “ Mire > 7 om +) ° io elle t ater Py yh of iis , . , ° ah wet : Oy ce igguae Wir np ined aldara D Thelon ite i } Withi yi: 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS. THE REPTILE GALLERY. General Notes on Reptiles . Crocodilia (Crocodiles and Alligators) Rhynchocephalia (Tuatera) Lacertilia (Lizards) Ophidia (Snakes) Chelonia (Tortoises and Turtles) . General Notes on Batrachians Tailless Batrachians (Frogs and Toads) Tailed Batrachians (Salamanders and Newts) . Limbless Batrachians THE FISH GALLERY. General Notes on Fishes ete eS Acanthopterygiu (Perches, Mackerels, &c.) Pharyngognathi (Wrasses) Anacanthini (Cod- and Flat-fishes) Physostomi (Carps, Herrings, &c.) Lophobranchii (Pipe-fishes) > Whe Pe, Be SPINY-RAYED FISHES. 63 their head thick. The dentition is feeble. Some pones of the head are armed, and a bony stay connects the preopercular spine with the infraorbital ring. The “ Bull-heads,” or“ Millers’-thumbs ” (Cottus), are small fishes from the shores and fresh waters of Northern Europe, Northern Asia, and North America. The common British Miller’s-thumb ((C. gobzo) is exclusively confined to fresh waters ; two marine species are common on our coasts (C. scor- pius and bubalis), whilst a fourth (C. lilljeborgii) inhabits deeper water on the North-British coasts. The Gurnards (7rig/a), of which seven species occur on the British coast, are principally characterized by the free finger-like pectoral appendages which serve as organs of locomotion as well as of touch. The Flying-Gurnards (Dactylo- pterus), of which three species are known, are very abundant in the Mediterranean, the tropical Atlantic, and Indo-Pacific. They and the “ Flying-Herrings ” (Hzocetus) are the only fishes which are enabled by their long pectoral fins to take flying leaps out of the water, and deserve the name of “ Flying-fishes”; when young their pectorals are much shorter, and consequently they are unable to raise themselves out of the water. The Trachinide (Case 8) have the body elongate, naked, or covered with scales, and the spinous portion of the dorsal fin always much shorter than the soft. The Weevers (Trachinus) are Fig, 47. The Weever (Zrachinus draco); with separate view of operculay spine. common fishes on the European coasts, and but too well known to all fishermen. Wounds by their dorsal and opercuiar spines are much dreaded, being extremely painful, and sometimes causing violent local inflammation. In the absence of any special poison- organ, it is very probable that the mucous secretion in the vicinity of the spines has poisonous properties. The dorsal spines as well [Case 8.] 64 FISH GALLERY. as the opercular spe have a deep double groove in which the poisonous fluid is lodged, and through which it can be inoculated in the punctured wound. The Scienide (Cases 8, 9) are chiefly coast-fishes of the tropical and subtropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans, frequently entering the mouths of large rivers. Some of the larger species wander far from their original home, and are not rarely found at distant localities as occasional visitors. Thus the “ Maigre” (Sciena aguila) reaches sometimes the British coasts, and has been found at the Cape of Good Hope and on the coast of Southern Australia. Large specimens of allied species (S. antarctica, S. diacanthus) are exhibited in table-cases. To this family also belong the Umbrine (Umbrina) and the “Drum” (Pogonias). The latter derives its name from the extraordinary sounds which it produces. These sounds are better expressed by the word “drumming” than by any other, and are frequently noticed by persons in vessels lying at anchor on the coast of the United States, where these fishes abound. It is still a matter of uncertainty by what means the “ Drum” produces the sounds. Some naturalists believe that it is caused by the clapping together of the pharyngeal teeth, which are very large molar teeth. However, if it be true that the sounds are accompanied by a tremulous motion of the vessel, it seems more probable that they are produced by the fishes beating their tails against the bottom of the vessel in order to get rid of the parasites with which that part of their body is infested. Allied to the preceding family are the Polynemide (Case 9), characterized by the free filaments which are inserted on the humeral arch at some distance from the pectoral fin, of which, however, they form merely a detached portion. They can be moved quite independently and are organsof touch. The Polyne- moids are very useful to man; their flesh is esteemed, and some of the species are provided with an air-bladder which yields a good sort of isinglass; specimens of this important article of trade are exhibited. These fishes belong to the littoral fauna of the Tropics, and some attain to a length of four feet. The family of Sphyrenide (Case 9 and Table-case) consist of one genus only, Sphyrena, generally called “ Barracudas,” large vora- cious fishes from the tropica] and subtropical seas. They attain to SPINY-RAYED FISHES, 65 a length of eight feet and a weight of 40 ]b.; individuals of this large size are dangerous to bathers. They are generally used as food, but sometimes (especially in the West Indies) their flesh assumes poisonous qualities, in consequence of their feeding on smaller poisonous fishes, particularly certain Clupeoids. The Scombride, or Mackerel family (Cases 10, 11), are pelagic forms, abundant in all the seas of the tropical and temperate zones. ‘They are one of the four families of fishes which are the most useful to man, the others being the Gadoids, Clupeoids, and Salmonoids. They are fishes of prey and are unceasingly active, their power of endurance in swimming being equal to the rapidity of their motions. They wander about in shoals, spawn in the open sea, but periodically approach the shore, probably in the pursuit of other fishes on which they feed. The type of this family is the Common Mackerel (Scomber scomber). The Tunny (Thynnus thynnus), abundant in the Mediterranean, and ranging to the south coast of England and to Tasmania, is one of the largest fishes of the Ocean, attaining to a length of 10 feet and to a weight of more than 1000 pounds. The fishery of the Tunny is systemati- cally carried on in the Mediterranean. To the same genus belongs the Albacore (7. albacora). Specimens of both these species are exhibited in a separate table-case. Other highly esteemed fishes of this family are the “John Dorys” (Zeus). The remarkable Sucking-fishes (Hcheneis) have the spinous dorsal fin modified into Sucking-fish (Zchenets scutata) ; with separate view of sucking-disk. . (Indian Ocean.) [Case 10, } [Case 11. ] 66 FISH GALLERY. an adhesive disk, which occupies the upperside of the head and neck. These fishes, of which ten different species are known, are enabled to attach themselves to any flat surface by means of this disk. The adhesion is so strong that the fish can only be dislodged with difficulty, unless it is pushed forwards by a sliding motion. They attach themselves to sharks, turtles, ships, or any other object which serves their purpose, and, being bad swimmers, they allow them- selves to be thus carried about by other animals endowed with a greater power of locomotion or by vessels. This genus is connected with the more normal forms of this family through Elacate, which, though closely allied to the Sucking-fish, have the spinous dorsal fin formed of free spines. Coryphena, generally (though by mis- application of the name) called “ Dolphins,” are pelagic fishes, Fig. 49. Dolphin (Coryphena hippurus). (From the Atlantic Ocean.) distributed over all the tropical and subtropical seas; they are most powerful swimmers, congregate in shoals, and pursue the Flying-fish, which try to escape their enemies by long flying leaps. They attain to a length of 6 feet, and are eagerly caught by sailors on account of their well-flavoured flesh. The beauty of their, unfortunately fugitive, colours has ever been a subject of admiration. The Opah or King-fish (Zampris luna) is one of the most beautiful fishes of the Atlantic, and occasionally occurs on the British coast. It attains to a length of four feet. The skeleton (of which a specimen, together with a stuffed example, is exhibited in a table-case) exhibits several peculiarities, viz., an extraordinary development and dilatation of the humeral arch, and great strength of the numerous and closely-set ribs. SPINY-RAYED FISHES. 67 The Carangide (Cases 12, 13), or Horse-Mackerels, are a large [Case 12.] family of carnivorous fishes allied to the true Mackerels, and inhabiting the tropical and temperate seas. One species (Caranxy trachurus) is common on our coasts, and almost cosmopolitan within the temperate and tropical zones of the northern and southern hemispheres. The “ Yellow-tails ” (Sertola) occur in Fig. 50. Yellow-tail (Seriola lalandii). (From South Australia.) » all the temperate and tropical seas; the larger grow to a length of from four to five feet, and are esteemed as food. The Pilot- fish (Neucrates ductor) is so named from its habit of keeping Pilot-fish (Naucrates ductor). company with ships and large fish, especially Sharks. The con- nection between the Shark and the Pilot-fish has received various interpretations; being a small fish, it obtains greater security when in company of a Shark, which would keep at a distance all [Case 13.] 68 FISH GALLERY. other fishes of prey that would be likely to prove dangerous to the Pilot. With regard to the statement that the Pilot itself is never attacked by the Shark, all observers agree as to its truth; but this may be accounted for in the same way as the impunity of the swallow from the hawk, the Pilot-fish being too nimble for the unwieldy Shark. The Sea-bats (Platux), so called from the extraordinary length of their dorsal and anal fins and of their ventrals, are also remarkable members of this family. The Xzphide, or Sword-fishes (Case 13), are pelagic fishes, occurring in all tropical and subtropical seas. Several large speci- mens are exhibited on the top of Cases 1-12, and skeletons in a Case in the centre of the Gallery. The Mediterranean Sword-fish (Xiphias gladius), the flesh of which is considered to be superior to that of the Tunny, and which is also abundant in the Atlantic, is the object of a regular and profitable fishery, both in Europe aud America. .The other species, which are found in the open ocean, and endowed with extraordinary strength and swimming powers, are less frequently captured, and still more rarely preserved. They belong to the genus Mistiophorus, which is distinguished from Fig. 52. Sword-fish of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans (Histiophorus gladius). the common Mediterranean Sword-fish, or Xiphias gladius, by the presence of ventral fins, which, however, are reduced to two long styhform appendages. Some species have the dorsal rays exceedingly elongate, so that the fin, when erected, projects beyond the surface of the water’ it is stated that these Sword-fishes, when quietly floating with the dorsal fin erect, can sail before the wind SPINY-RAYED FISHES. 69 ike a boat. Sword-fishes are the largest of Acanthopterygians, [Gace 13.] and not exceeded in size by any other Teleostean; they attain to a length of from 12 to 15 feet, and swords have been obtained more than three feet long, and with a diameter of at least three inches at the base. This sword forms a most powerful weapon. Sword-fishes never hesitate to attack large Whales, and after repeatedly stabbing these animals they generally retire from the combat victorious. The cause which excites them to these attacks is unknown; but they follow this instinct so blindly that they not rarely attack boats or large vessels in a similar manner, evidently mistaking them for Cetaceans. Sometimes they actually succeed in piercing the bottom of a ship, endangering its safety ; but, as they are unable to execute powerful backward move- ments, they cannot disengage their sword, which is broken off by the exertions of the fish to free itself. A piece of a two-inch plank of a whale-boat, thus pierced by a Sword-fish, in which the broken sword still remains, is exhibited, as well as a second block Block of wood pierced by Sword-fishes, of wood, from a ship, pierced by three swords. Attacks by small Sword-fishes on the frail canoes of the natives of the South-Sea Islands or on the stronger boats of the professional Sword-fish hunters are of common occurrence, and only too often the persons sitting in them are dangerously wounded. The Gobiide and Discoboli (Case 13) are two closcly allied families in which the ventral fins are usually united to form an adhesive disk. The former contains numerous species, small 70 FISH GALLERY. [Case 18.] carnivorous littoral fishes, many of which have become aceli- matized in fresh-water. It is represented in British waters by several species of Gobius and two of Callionymus (Dragonet). The latter family contains the Lump-suckers (Cyclopterus), the Lump-sucker (Cyclopterus lumpus) ; with a separate view of the sucking-disk. common species (C. Jumpus) occurring in North Europe and North America. It is difficult to remove it from any object to which it has once attached itself by means of its sucking-disk. The Pediculati or Sea-devils (Case 13) contain a larger number of bizarre forms than any other; and there is, perhaps, none in SPINY-RAYED FISHES. ral: which the singular organization of the fish is more distinetly seen [Case 13.] to be in consonance with its habits. Pediculates are found in all seas. The habits of all are equally sluggish and inactive: they are very bad swimmers; those found near the coasts lie on the bottom of the sea, holding on with their arm-like pectoral fins to seaweed or stones, between which they are hidden; those of pelagic habits attach themselves to floating seaweed or other objects, and are at the mercy of the wind and current. A large proportion of the genera, therefore, have gradually found their way to the greatest depths of the ocean—retaining all the character- istics of their surface-ancestors, but assuming the modifications by which they are enabled to live in abyssal depths. The Fishing- frogs (Lophius), also called Anglers or Sea-devils, are coast-fishes, Fig. 55. Angler, or Sea-devil (Lophius naresii). (From the Admiralty Islands.) living at small depths. The wide mouth extends all round the anterior circumference of the head, and both jaws are armed with bands of long pointed teeth, which are inclined inwards, and can be depressed so as to offer no impediment to an object gliding towards the stomach, but prevent its escape from the mouth. _The pectoral and ventral fins are so articulated as to perform the functions of feet, the fish being enabled to move, or rather to walk, on the bottom of the sea, where it generally hides itself in the sand or amongst seaweed. All round its head, and also along the body, the skin bears fringed appendages, resembling [Case 13.] 72 FISH GALLERY. short fronds of seaweed—a structure which, combined with the extraordinary faculty of assimilating the colours of the body to its surroundings, assists the fish in concealing itself in places which it selects on account of the abundance of prey. To render the organization of these creatures perfect in relation to their wants, they are provided with three long filaments inserted along the middle of the head, which are, in fact, the detached and modified first three spines of the anterior dorsal fin. The filament most important in the economy of the Fishing-frogs is the first, which is the longest, terminates in a lappet, and is movable in every direction. There is no doubt that the Fishing-frog, like many other fish provided with similar appendages, plays with this filament as with a bait, attracting fishes, which, when sufficiently near, are engulfed by the simple act of the Fishing-frog opening its gape. It is extremely interesting to find that in Fishing-frogs inhabiting great depths of the ocean, to which no ray of light can penetrate, the filament is provided at its end with a luminous or phosphorescent organ ; the light issuing from it attracts other creatures, in the same manner as surface-animals congregate round the lamp of a boat during a dark night. The stomach of the Sea-devil is distensible in an extraordinary degree, and not rarely fishes have been taken out of it quite as large and heavy as their destroyer. The British species (LZ. piscatorius) grows to a length of more than five feet; an allied species from the Admiralty Islands (Lophius naresiz) is figured here. Chaunax wictus is a deep-sea form, hitherto found near Madeira, Japan, and the Fiji Islands, at a depth of 215 fathoms. Another curious fish of this family is Malthe vespertilio, common on the shores of the tropical Atlantic; the anterior part of the snout is produced into a long process, beneath which there is a retractile tentacle. The Blenniide, or Blennies (Case 13), are mostly small-sized littoral fishes; some species have become acclimatized in fresh water, and many inhabit brackish water. Four species of Blen- nius occur on the British coasts. The Sea-wolf or Sea-cat (Anarrhichas lupus) is a gigantic Blenny, attaining to a length of more than six feet. With its enormously strong tubercular teeth it is able to crush the hardest shells of crustaceans or mollusks, on which it feeds voraciously. It is an inhabitant of SPINY-RAYED FISHES. Vo Fig. 56. Sea-wolf (Anarrhichas lupus). the northern seas, occurring plentifully on our northern coasts. Of late years it is frequently to be seen in the London market, its flesh being firm and well-flavoured. A stuffed specimen and skeleton are exhibited in a table-case. The Trachypteride, or Ribbon-fishes, are true deep-sea fishes, met with in all parts of the oceans, generally found when floating dead on the surface or thrown ashore by the waves. Their body Fig. 57. ZL, Epecer LLY, ware Ml Ml SPE : 3 2" Ribbon-fish hae as gladius). is like a band, specimens of from 15 to 20 feet long being 10 to 12 inches deep, and about an inch or two broad at their thickest part. The bones contain very little bony matter, are very porous, thin and light. A few specimens are exhibited on the top of Cases 13 and 16. The Acronuride, or Sea-Surgeons (Case 14), are inhabitants of the tropical seas, and most abundant on coral-reefs. They feed either on vegetable substances or on the superficial animal matter of corals. The best known are Acanthurus, readily recognized by the sharp lancet-shaped spine with which each side of the tail is armed. When at rest the spine is hidden in a sheath ; but it can [Case 13.] [Case 14.] 7A FISH GALLERY. be erected and used by the fish as a very dangerous weapon, by striking with the tail towards the right and left. Naseus, — S Lyne) Naseus unicornis. (From the Indo-Pacific Ocean.) remarkable for the horn-like projection on its forehead, also belongs to this family. The Labyrinthict (Case 14) are freshwater fishes of Tropical Africa and the East Indies. They are able to live for some time out of water, or in thick or hardened mud. In an accessory branchial cavity there is lodged a laminated organ which has the function of assisting in the oxygenization of the blood. The Climbing-Perch (Anabas scandens) is well known for its faculty Gourami (Osphromenus olfax). of moving for some distance over land, and even of ascending trees. The Gourami (Osphromenus olfax) is reputed to be one SPINY-RAYED FISHES. 75 of the best-flavoured freshwater fishes of the East-Indian Archi- pelago. Being an almost omnivorous fish and tenacious of life, it seems to recommend itself particularly for acclimatization in other tropical countries, and specimens kept in captivity become as tame as Carp. The Mugilide, or Grey Mullets (Case 14), are characterized by a more or less oblong and compressed body, covered with cycloid scales of moderate size, by the absence of a lateral line, and by their anterior dorsal fin being composed of four stiff spines. They inhabit, in numerous species and in great numbers, the coasts of the temperate and tropical zones. They frequent brackish waters, in which they find an abundance of food, which consists chiefly of organic substances mixed with mud or sand. Several species are more or less abundant on the British coasts. The Gastrosteide, or Sticklebacks (Case 14), are small fishes with elongate, compressed body, without scales, but generally with large Fig. 60. Stickleback and Nest. scutes along the side, and parts of the skeleton forming an in- complete external mail. The ventral fins are abdominal, articulated G [Case 14.] 76 FISH GALLERY. [Case 14.] to the pubic bone, and composed of a spine and a smallray. The spines of the anterior dorsal are isolated. Three species are common in the British Isles, and are very remarkable for the elegant nests they construct. The three-spined and ten-spined Sticklebacks (Gastrosteus aculeatus and ungitius) are inhabitants of the fresh and brackish waters; the larger, or fifteen-spined, species (G. spinachia) is marine, and abundant in brackish water. The Fistulartide, or Flute-mouths (Case 14), are gigantic marine Sticklebacks, living near the shore. They are distributed over the whole of the tropical and subtropical parts of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific. The species are few in number. Order I]. PHARYNGOGNATHI. Acanthopterygians with the lower pharyngeal bones coalescent. They are divided into four families :—1. Pomacentride. 2. La- bride. 3. Embiatocide. 4. Chromides. Separate upper and united lower pharyngeal bones of Labrus maculatus. The Pomacentride are small marine fishes, resembling the Chetodonts with regard to their geographical distribution, mode of life, and coloration. The Labride, or Wrasses (Cases 14, 15), are a large family of littoral fishes, very abundant in the temperate and tropical zones, but becoming scarcer towards the Arctic and Antarctic circles, where they disappear entirely. Many of them are readily recognized by WRASSES. 77 their thick lips, which are sometimes internally folded, a peculiarity which has given to them the German term of ‘ Lip-fishes.” They feed chiefly on mollusks and crustaceans, their dentition being admirably adapted for crushing hard substances. Others feed on corals, echinoderms, etc.; a few are herbivorous. Nearly all are distinguished by their beautiful coloration, and some of the species are, perhaps, the most gorgeously coloured in the whole class of Fishes. Several species occur on the British coasts, belonging to Wrasse (Labrus maculatus). the genera Labrus, Crenilabrus, Ctenolabrus, Acantholabrus, Centro- labrus, and Curis. The Parrot-Wrasses (Scarus and Pseudoscarus) Wrasse (Pseudoscarus troschelii}. (From the Indian Ocean.) G2 78 FISH GALLERY. are chiefly tropical fishes, which have the jaws transformed into a h arp beak, the teeth being soldered together. The Embiotocide are marine fishes characteristic of the fauna of the temperate North Pacific, the majority living on the American side, and only a few on the Asiatic. They are vivi- parous. The Chromides are freshwater fishes of rather small size, from the tropical parts of Africa and America. Some are herbivorous, Fig. 64, “ Bulti” of the Nile (Chromis niloticus). the others carnivorous. Chromis niloticus, the “ Bulti” or “ Bolty ” of the Nile, is one of the few well-flavoured fishes of that river. Several species are common in Lake Tiberias. Order III. ANACANTHINI. Bony fishes without spinous rays in the vertical and ventral fins ; the air-bladder, if present, without pneumatic duct, and the ventral fins, if present, jugular or thoracic. They form two divisions, viz. the Gadvidei (Cod-fishes) , in which the head and body are symmetrically formed; and the Pleuro- nectoidei (Flat-fishes), in which the head and part of the body are unsymmetrical. ‘The former group contains four families :— 1 yceodide, Gadide, Ophidiide, and Macruride ; the latter includes a single family only—Pleuronectide. . COD-FISHES. 79 The Gadide, or Cod-fishes (Case 17), consist partly of littoral and surface species, partly of deep-sea forms. The formey are almost entirely confined to the temperate zones, extending north- wards beyond the Arctic circle; the latter have, as deep-sea fishes generally, a much wider range, and hitherto have been found chiefly at considerable depths in rather low latitudes. Only two or three species inhabit fresh waters. Cod-fishes form one of the most important articles of food and subsistence to the fishermen in Hurope and North America, and to whole tribes bordering upon the Arctic Ocean. The common Cod (Gadus morrhua) measures from two to four feet, and attains to a weight of one hundred pounds. It occurs between 50° and 75° N. lat., in great abundance, toa depth of 120 fathoms, but is not found nearer the Equator than 40° lat. It is met with singly all the year round close to the coast, but towards the spawning-time it approaches the shore or shallow banks in numbers; this happens in January in England, and not before May on the American coasts. The English resorted to the Cod-fisheries of Iceland before the year 1415; but since the sixteenth century most vessels go to the Banks of Newfoundland, and almost all the preserved Cod consumed during Lent in the various continental countries is imported from across the Atlantic. At one time the Newfoundland Cod-fishery rivalled in importance the Whale-fishery and the Fur-trade of North America. Cod-liver oil is prepared from the liver of the common Cod on the Norwegian coast, but also other species of this genus contribute to this most important drag. The Haddock (G. eylefinus), the Whiting (G. merlangus) ,the Bib or Pout(G. luscus), the Power-Cod (G. minutus), the Pollack (G. pollachius), and the Coal-fish (G. virens) are other well-known species of the same genus. The Norway Pout (G. esmarkii) has recently been discovered on the west coast of Scotland. The Hake (Merluccius vulgaris) 1s also found on both sides of the Atlantic, and forms, preserved as “‘ Stock-fish,” an important article of trade. The Ling (Molva vulgaris), of which a stuffed. specimen and skeleton are exhibited in a separate case, is likewise a very valuable species, from three to four feet long, abundant in the north of Great Britain. The Rocklings (Onus) are small fishes of which several species occur on the British coast. The Burbot or Kel-pout (Lota vulgaris, fig. 65) is a freshwater fish [Case 17. } 80 FISH GALLERY. a % [Case 17.] which never enters salt water. It is locally distributed in Central and Northern Europe and North America; it is one of the best freshwater fishes, and exceeds a length of three feet. Fig. 65. The Burbot (Lota vulgaris). The Ophidiide are small Gadoids with more or less elongated, naked or scaly body. The ‘‘ Sand-eels” or “ Launces”” (Ammo- dytes, fiz. 66) occur on the British coast, and are well known The Sand-eel (Ammodytes lanceolatus). for the incredible rapidity with which they bury themselves in the sand; they are much sought after for bait. The Macruride (fig. 67) are deep-sea Gadoids of curious shape, occurring at depths of from 120 to 2600 fathoms. This family, known a few years ago from a few species only, proves to be one which is distributed over all oceans, occurring in considerable variety and great abundance. About 40 species are known, of which many attain a length of three feet. “The Pleuronectide are called Flat-fishes, from their strongly eonipressed, high, and flat body. In consequence of the absence FLAT- FISHES. 81 of an air-bladder, and of the structure of their paired fins, (Case i7.] they are unable to maintain their body in a vertical position, resting and moving on one side only. The side turned towards Fig. 67. Macrurus purallelus: from a depth of 350 fathoms, the bottom is sometimes the left, sometimes the right, colourless, and termed the “blind” side; that turned upwards and towards the light is variously, and in some tropical species even vividly, coloured. Both eyes are on the coloured side, on which side also the muscles are more strongly developed. The dorsal and anal fins are exceedingly long, without division. All the Flat-fishes undergo remarkable changes with age; when quite young, they are perfectly symmetrical, with an eye on each side of the head, aud swim in a vertical position like other fishes. To illustrate the gradual change from the symmetrical form of the newly-hatched Flat-fish to the more advanced asymmetrical shape, a series of young Brill (Rhombus levis) is exhibited in Case 17. Flat-fishes when adult live always on the bottom, and swim with an undulating motion of their body. They occur in all seas, except in the highest latitudes and on rocky precipitous coasts, becoming most numerous towards the Equator; those of the largest size occur in the Temperate zone. Some enter fresh water freely, and others have become entirely acclimatized in ponds and rivers. All are carnivorous. Those most generally known are:—The Holibut (Hippoglossus vulgaris), the largest of all Flat-fishes, attaining to a length of 5 or 6 feet, and a weight of several hundredweight ; the Turbot (Rhombus maximus), one of the most valued food- fishes ; the Brill (R. levis); the Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) ; the Dab (P. limanda) ; the Flounder (P. flesus) ; the Smear-Dab or Lemon-Dab (P. microcephalus); the Craig-fluke (P. cyao- glussus)'; and the Soles (Solea). [Case 18. } 82 FISH GALLERY. Order IV. PHYSOSTOMI. Bony fishes with all the fin-rays articulated, only the first of the dorsal and pectoral fins sometimes ossified ; ventral fins, if present, abdominal, without spine. Air-bladder, if present, with a pneu- matic duct (except in Scombresocide). 29 families :— 1. Siluride. 2. Characinide. 8. Cyprinide. 4. Haplochitonide. 5. Sternoptychide. 6. Scopelide. 7. Stomiatide. 8. Salmonide. 9. Percopside. 10. Galaxiide. 11. Mormyride. 12. Esocide. 13. Umbride. 14. Scombresocide. 15. Cyprinodontide. 16. Heterupygut. 17. Gonorhynchide. 18. Hyodontide. 19. Osteo- glosside. 20. Clupeide. 21. Chirocentride. 22. Bathythrisside. 23. Alepocephalde. 24. Notopteride. 25. Halusauride. 26. No- tacanthide. 27. Gymnotide. 28. Symbranchide. 29. Murenide. The Siluride, or Cat-fishes (Cases 18, 19), are a large family, represented by numerous genera, which exhibit a great variety of form and structure of the fins. The skin is naked or protected by osseous scutes, but without scales; barbels are generally present. These fish imbabit the fresh waters of all the temperate and tropical regions; a few only enter the sea, but keep near the coast. The European species (Silurus glanis, fig. 68) is found in the Fig. 68. Wels (Stlurus glanis). waters east of the Rhine, and is, next to the Sturgeon, the largest of European freshwater fishes, attaining to a weight of 300 or 400 lb. The “ Bayad” (Bagrus bayad) is eommon in the Nile, and grows to a length of over five feet; it is eaten. Arius, of CAT-FISHES, 83 which numerous species are known, has a wide distribution, being [Case 18.] found in almost all tropical countries which are drained by large rivers; some of the species prefer brackish to fresh water, and a few enter the sea. Arius latiscutatus, from West Africa, is one of the largest species of this genus. Pimelodus, common in South America, also includes some very large species. The Electric Cat-fish (Malapterurus, fig. 69) occurs in Tropical Fig. 69. Electric Cat-fish (Malapterurus). (From Tropical Africa.) Africa, and grows to a length of about four feet. The electric organ extends over the whole of the body, but is thickest on the abdomen. The Callichthys of 'Tropical America (fig. 70) have the Fig. 70. Callichthys. (From British Guiana.) body wholly protected by two series of large imbricate shields on each side ; they construct nests for their ova. The species of Aspredo are inhabitants of the Guianas, and remarkable for their mode of carrying their ova: after having deposited the eggs, the female attaches them to, and presses them into, the spongy integument of her belly by merely lying over them, and carries them until they are hatched. ‘Case 20. } [ Case 22.a,in the passage from OCen- tral Hall to Fish Gallery. | 84 FISH GALLERY. The Characinide (Case 20) are confined to the fresh waters of Africa and tropical America. This family includes herbivorous as well as strictly carnivorous forms; some are toothless, whilst others possess a most formidable dentition. Many are provided with an adipose dorsal fin, hke the Salmonide and some Siluride. Among the carnivorous forms, Myletes (Caribe) and Hydrocyon are most destructive to other fishes, and are known to attack and annoy even bathers. The Cyprinide, or family of Carps (Case 22 a), is the most numerously represented in the fresh waters of the Old World and North America. Most feed on vegetable and animal substances ; a few only are exclusively vegetable-feeders. The absence of teeta in the jaws is compensated by the development of large teeth on the pharyngeal bones. The Carp (Cyprinus carpio), originally a Fig. 71. Pharyngeal bones and side-view of one of the teeth of the Chub. native of the East, abounds in a wild state in China, where it has been domesticated for many centuries; thence it was trans- ported to Germany and Sweden, and the year 1614 is assigned as the date of its introduction into England. Two allied and common species are the Crucian Carp (C. carassius) and the Gold- fish (C. auratus). The Catla of the Ganges (Catla buchanani) is one of the largest Cyprinoids, growing to a length of more than three feet, and esteemed as food. The Barbels (Barbus) are a genus very numerous in species, inhabiting the temperate and tropical parts of the Old World ; one species is British (B. vulgaris); B.mosal, or “‘ Mahaseer ” (fig. 72) of the mountain-streams of India, is probably the largest species of the genus, the scales being sometimes as large as the palm of the hand. The White-fish (Leuciscus) are also SALMON 85 extremely numerous in species in the Old and New Worlds, of which the following are well known in England:—The Roach (L. rutilus), the Chub (L. cephalus), the Dace (L. leuciscus), the Fig. 72. Mahaseer (Barbus mosal). Rudd (L. erythrophthalmus), and the Minnow (L. phowinus). Other British Cyprinoids are the Tench (Tinca tinca), the Bleak (Alburnus alburnus), the Breams (Abramis brama and blicca), and the Loaches (Nemachilus barbatulus and Cobitis tenia). The Haplochitonide are a small but interesting family, inasmuch as they represent the Salmonoids in the temperate parts of the Southern Hemisphere. They differ from the latter family in the structure of the jaws,and by the total absence of pyloric appendages; but they possess an adipose fin like the Salmonoids. Two genera are known: one, Haplochiton, is abundant in the lakes and streams of the Falkland Islands, Patagonia, and Chili; these fishes have the general appearance of a Trout, but are naked. The second genus, Prototroctes, is scaly, and resembles a Vendace (Coregonus) ; the settlers of South Australia and New Zealand call them Grayling. The Salmonide (Case 21) are one of the most valuable families of the Class of Fishes. They are inhabitants of the sea and fresh water; but the majority of the marine genera are deep-sea forms. The freshwater forms are peculiar to the Temperate and Arctic zones of the Northern Hemisphere, one only (a Smelt) occurring in New Zealand. Many migrate periodically or occasionally from fresh water to the sea, or vice versd. The genus Salmo, containing the Salmon, Trout, and Char, is abundant in species, some being (Case 21.] 86 FISH GALLERY. migratory, others not; they are spread over the whole of Europe and North America. Of the species exhibited attention is directed especially to the following :—the Lake-Wenern Trout (Salmo venernensis), a non- migratory species; a large Sea-Trout from the River Narenta, Dalmatia (S. dentex) ; two male British Sea-Trout (S. trutia) with extraordinary development of the jaws; a large specimen of the Alpine Char (S. alpinus) from Nova Zembla; the Brook-Trout of North America (S. fontinalis and S. hoodii). The Common Trout (S. fario) has been successfully introduced in rivers and lakes of Tasmania and New Zealand, where it grows to a size rivalling that of the Sea-Trout and Salmon, finding at present an abundance of nourishing food in the small native fish (especially Galazias), which in the course of time will be brought to the verge of extinction. Ina tank on a table-case between wall-cases 17 and 18 a beautiful Jarge specimen of a Trout (S. fario) is exhibited, which has been reared in New Zealand, and was captured in the estuary of the River Waimakariri ; in its size it is quite equal to the large Trout sometimes found in the River Thames, which it also resembles in general appearance. The Smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) ; the Vendace, called White-fishin North America (Coregonus, fig. 73), numerous in Vendace (Coregonus vandesius). (From Loch Maben.) speciesin Europe and North America, andthe Graylings( Thymallus) are other well-known and highly esteemed members of this family. The Galaxiide resemble the Pike in the disposition of their fins but are confined to freshwaters of Temperate Australia, Tasmania, FLYING-FISHES. 87 New Zealand, and of the southern extremily of South America. They are scaleless. The number of species is small, but in Tas- mania and New Zealand they form almost the whole of the Fresh- water-Fish fauna. They rarely exceed a length of eight inches, but are well-flavoured. The fry is eaten in New Zealand, and known as ‘ White-bait.” The Mormyride (Case 22) are a type peculiar to the fresh waters of tropical Africa. The genus Mormyrus is numerous in species, some of which attain to a length of four feet. Many are remark- able for their long and decurved snout. The common species of the Nile (Mormyrus oxyrhynchus) was an object of veneration to the ancient Egyptians, and therefore frequently occurs in their emblematic inscriptions. Another member of this family is Gym- narchus niloticus, of eel-like habit and growing to a length of six feet. The Esocide (Case 22), or Pike, are inhabitants of the fresh waters of the temperate parts cf Europe, Asia, and America. The European species (Z. ducius) inhabits all three continents. Very large specimens are called ‘“ Muskellonge” in America. An old painting of a large Pike is exhibited, which, according to the legend, was caught in the year 1230 by the Emperor Frederick II., marked with an inscribed ring, and caught again after the lapse of more than two centuries. v Flying-fish (Exoceetus spilopterus). The Scombresocide (Case 22) are chiefly marine. The Gar-pike (Belone) have both jaws prolonged into a long slender beak. The most curious members of this family are the Flying-fishes (Hzoce- _ tus, fig. 74), of which numerous species are known from tropical [ Case 22 a, in passage jrom Central Hall to Fish Gallery. ] Case 22 a. | ; 88 FISH GALLERY. and subtropical seas. Their usual length is about 10 or 12 inches, but specimens of 18 inches have been caught. They are enabled to execute flying leaps by means of the great development of their pectoral fins. They dart out of the water when pursued by their enemies, or frightened by an approaching vessel, but frequently also without any apparent cause, as is also observed in many other fishes; they rise without regard to the direction of the wind or waves. During flight the fins are kept quietly distended, without any motion, except an occasional vibration caused by the air when- ever the surface of the wing is parallel with the current of the wind. Their flight is rapid, greatly exceeding that of a ship going 10 miles an hour, but gradually decreasing in velocity, and rarely extending beyond a distance of 500 feet. Flying-fishes often fall on board of vessels; but this never happens during a calm, or from the lee side, but during a breeze only, and from the weather side. The Osteoglosside (Case 22 b) are large freshwater fishes of the tropics. Of the genus Osteoglossum three species are known—one from Brazil and the Guianas, one from Borneo and Sumatra, and the third from Queensland. ‘The single species of the genus Heterotis (H. niloticus) is not uncommon in the Upper Nile and the West- African rivers. The genus Arapaima (fig. 75) also contains a single species, A. gigas (exhibited in separate table-cases), from the rivers of Brazil and the Guianas, and highly esteemed as an article of food. It is the largest freshwater Teleostean known, exceeding a length of 15 feet, and a weight of 400 lb. aieenns reine Cie assent eas Arapaima of the River Amazon. The Clupeide, or Herrings (Case 22 4), are probably unsurpassed by any other family in the number of individuals, although others comprise a much greater variety of species. The Herrings are principally coast-fishes; none belong to the deep-sea fauna; EELS. 89 scarcely any have pelagic habits, but many enter or live in fresh waters communicating with the sea. They are spread over all the temperate and tropical seas. The genus of [lerrings proper (Clupea) includes more than sixty species, of which several are extremely common on our coasts, viz. the Herring (Clupea harengus) of immense commercial value, the Sprat (C. sprattus), the Shad (C. alosa and C. finta), and the Pilchard or Sardine (C. pilchardus). The “ Mossbanker” (C. menhaden) is common on the Atlantic coasts of the United States. The economie value of this fish is surpassed in America only by that of the Gadoids, and derived chiefly from its use as bait for other fishes, and from the oil extracted from it. Albula and Elops reach a size of three feet, but are not esteemed as food. The largest species of the whole family is the Tarpon (Megalops thrissoides) [a specimen of which is exhibited on the top of the case], from the Tropical Atlantic, exceeding a length of five feet, and excellent eating. The Chirocentride and Notopteride (Case 22 b) are small families, inhabiting, the former the Indian Ocean, the latter fresh waters of the East Indies and West Africa. The Gymnotide (Case 22 a) are eel-like freshwater fishes from Tropical America, of which the best known is the Electric Eel (Gymnotus electricus, fig. 76) ; it is the most powerful of electric Fig. 76. Electric Eel (Gymnotus electricus). fishes, growing to a length of six feet, and extremely abundant in certain localities of Brazil and the Guianas. The electric organ [Case | 22 a.| [Cases 28, 24.] 90 FISH GALLERY. consists of two pairs of longitudinal bodies, situated immediately below the skin, above the muscles—one pair on the back of the tail and the other pair along the anal fin. The electric shock may be of sufficient strength to temporarily paralyze a man. The Eels, Murenide (Cases 23, 24), are a numerous family, spread over almost all fresh waters and seas of the temperate and Fig. 77. Murena helena. (From the coast of Europe.) tropical zones; some descend to the greatest depths of the oceans. Some 25 species of true Hels (Anguilla) are known from the fresh waters and coasts. They migrate to the sea for the purpose of breeding, and, as only recently discovered, the young undergo remarkable changes before assuming the adult condition. Two species are found in Great Britain, A. vulgaris and A. latirostris. The Congers (Conger) are marine Eels, differing from the preceding in the absence of scales; thecommon British species (C. conger) seems to be almost cosmopolitan. The genus Murena and its allies are abundantly represented in the tropical and subtropical seas, and mostly beautifully coloured and spotted. The majority are armed with formidable pointed teeth, well suited for seizing other fish on which they prey; in shallow water they readily attack persons who happen to disturb them in their retreat. The Mediterranean species (M. helena, fig. 77) was highly prized by the ancient Romans. ts * PIPE-FISHES. 9] Order V. LOPHOBRANCHII. The Lophobranchit are bony fishes in which the gills are not laminated, but composed of small rounded lobes attached to the branchial arches ; the gill-cover is reduced to a large simple plate ; Fig. 78. Lobular gill of Hippocampus. the air-bladder is simple, without pneumatic duct; a dermal skeleton, composed of numerous pieces arranged in segments,” relpaces more or less soft integuments ; the muscular system is not much developed ; the snout is prolonged, and the mouth terminal, small, toothless, formed as in Acanthopterygians. This Order (Case 27) contains only two families, Svlenostomide [Case 27. Fig. 79. YU STL ULE” WO apy iin Mid iini 97 ik in wit 1 i ig eT ot Tt. Mi Pipe-fish (Syngnathus acus). (From the ( The lower figure represents the pouch below the tail, opened on one side to show the young, which are ready to escape from the pouch. Yornish coast. ) and Syngnathide. They are small marine fishes, which are abundant on such parts of the coasts of tropical and temperate zones as offer H 92 FISH GALLERY. by their vegetation shelter to these defenceless creatures. They are bad swimmers, and are frequently and resistlessly c>rried by currents into the open ocean or to distant coasts. All enter brackish water, some fresh water. The males of most of the species carry the eges either in a sac at the base of the tail, or attached to the abdomen. The best known are the Pipe-fishes (Syngnathus) and the Sea-horses ({Tippocampus) . Order VI. PLECTOGNATHI. (Cases 25-27.) Teleosteous fishes with rough scales, or with ossifications of the cutis in the form of scutes or spines ; skin sometimes entirely naked. Skeleton incompletely ossified, with the vertebrze in small number. Gills peetinate ; a narrow gill-opening in front of the pectoral fins. Mouth narrow ; the bones of the upper jaw generally firmly united. A soft dorsal fin, belonging to the caudal portion of the vertebral _column, opposite to the anal; sometimes elements of a spinous dorsal besides. Ventral fin none, or reduced to spines. Air- bladder without pneumatic duct. This Order consists of two families, Sclerodermi and Gym- nodontes. The Sclerodermi comprise the genera Triacanthus, Balistes, Mona- canthus, and Ostracion. The File-fishes (Balistes, fig. 80) inhabit Fig. 80. | | the tropical and sub-tropical seas; both jaws are armed with eight strong incisor-like and obliquely truncated teeth, by which these fishes are enabled to break off pieces of corals on which they feed, or to chisel a hole into the hard shells of Mollusca, in order to GLOBE-FISHES. 93 extract the soft parts. In the sea round Ceylon they have been found to destroy an immense number of Pearl-Oysters, thus doing a great deal of mjury to the fisheries. Shells picreed by File-fish are exhibited in Case 27. The Coffer-fishes (Ostracion) have the Fig. 81. (From the West Iudies. ) Mi z Coffer-tish ( Ostracion quadricornis). integuments of the body formed into a hard continuous carapace, {Case 26.7 consisting of hexagonal scutes juxtaposed in mosaic fashion ; only the snout, the bases of the fins, and the hind part of the tail are covered with soft skin. Fig, 82. Globe-fish (Diodon maculatus). (From the Indian Ocean.) Fig. 83. The same, intlated. H 2 94, FISH GALLERY. The Gymnodontes contain the genera Triodon, Tetrodon, Diodon, and Orthagoriscus. The Globe-fishes (Tetrodon and Diodon) have a short, thick, cylindrical body, more or less studded with spines ; they possess the power of inflating their body by filling their dis- tensible cesophagus with air, thus assuming a more or less globular form, the spines protruding and forming a defensive armour, as in the hedgehog ; therefore they are frequently called “ Sea-hedgehogs.” | Case 25.] In these fish, as in the others of the same family, the bones of the Wh HH i} Rough Sun-fish (Ortkagoriseus mola). (Captured near Portland.) upper and lower jaws are confluent, forming a beak with a trenchant edge, without teeth. The Sun-fishes (Orthagoriscus, figs. 84, 85) SUN-FISHES. 95 are, with regard to external form, perhaps the most singular of all Bony Fishes; they present the appearance of a fish with the tail cut off, this latter part of the body being extremely short. Two species (O. mola and O. truncatus) are known, both of which occasionally approach the southern coasts of England and Ireland. The former species, which attains to a very large size, measuring 7 or 8 feet, has a rough, minutely granulated skin. The second species is Smooth Sun-fish (Orthagoriscus truncatus). (Irom the Atlantic.) distinguished by the more elongate form of its body, and by its smooth tessellated skin. A very large specimen of O. mola, from Australia, is exhibited in the Communication Gallery ; a full-grown specimen of O. truncatus in a separate table-case. [Case 28. ] 96 FISH GALLERY. PALHICHTHYES. Order VII. GANOIDET. The fishes belonging to this Order have the skeleton either cartilaginous or ossified ; the body is provided with median and paired fins, the hinder pair abdominal; the gills are free, rarely partially attached to the walls of the gill-cavity ; one external gill- opening only on each side, and a gill-cover; the air-bladder with a pneumatic duct. The.ova are small, impregnated after exclusion. The embryo or the young sometimes with external gills. To this Order belong the majority of the fossil fish-remains of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age, whilst it 1s very scantily represented in the recent fauna, and evidently verging towards total extinction. Small as is the number of the surviving forms, they represent not less than five Suborders:—1. Amiotdei. 2. Polypterorder. 3. Lepidostecidet. 4. Dipnot. 5. Chondrostei. Amio1pE1.—The sole living representative of this Suborder, the fud-fish of North America (Amia calva), differs from the following Ganoids in being covered with cycloid scales, and approaches in its general appearance and many points of its internal structure the Teleostean type very closely indeed. The skeleton is entirely ossified. This fish is not uncommon in many of the fresh waters of the United States. PoLyPpreRoIDEI (Case 28).—They resemble the Lepidosteoide: in the form and arrangement of the scales, but the structure of their SSAA ERNE NS NS IS SESS SS SSS oe" Polypterus. (From Tropical Africa.) dorsal fin is quite unique; it consists of a series of dorsal spines, to each of which an articulated finlet is attached. Pelpyterus (fig. 86) DIPNOL. 97 is an inhabitant of tropical Africa, occurring in abundance in the rivers of the West coast and in the Upper Nile. Lerrposteoiper (Case 28).—The fishes of this group, as well as the following, are remarkable for the hard, bony, lozenge-shaped, polished (ganoid) scales with which they are covered. The skeleton is nearly completely ossified. The dorsal and anal fins are composed of articulated rays only, and placed far backwards, close to the caudal. Though the end of the body appears nearly diphycercal (2.e. with the caudal rays inserted above as well as below the vertebral axis, as in the case of most Teleosteans), the termination of the vertebral column is, in fact, distinctly heferocerca/, as in Fig. 87. Gar-Pike of North America (Leprdosteus viridis). Sharks. The Gar-Pike (Lepidosteus, fig. 87) are at present limited to the temperate parts of North Aimerica, Central America, and Cuba. They feed on other fishes. Dipnot (Case 28).—The skeleton is notochordal. There are two pairs of nostrils, more or less within the mouth. Their respiratory organs are gills as well as lung-like sacs. The dentition is very peculiar ; it consists of a pair of large molars, above and below, and a pair of vomerine teeth. The molars, the upper pair of which are inserted on a pterygo-palatine ossification, are provided with strong cusps or lateral prongs. The vomerine teeth are conical, pointed, or incisor-like. The fore limb differs greatly from the pectoral fin of other fishes. It is covered with small scales along the middle from the root to its extremity, and surrounded by a rayed fringe similar to the vertical fin. A muscle split into numerous fascicles extends all the length of the fin, which is flexible in every part and in every direction, The cartilagmous framework supporting it is joined to the scapular arch by an oblong cartilage, followed by a broad basal cartilage, generally single, sometimes showing traces [Case 28. | 98 FISH GALLERY. Case 28.] of a triple division. Along the middle of the fin runs a jointed axts, the joints gradually becoming smaller and thinner towards the extremity ; each Joint bears on each side a three-, two-, or one- jointed branch. This “axial”? arrangement, which evidently represents one of the first and lowest conditions of the skeleton of the lunb of Vertebrates, is found in Ceratodus with the branches, but in Lepidosiren the jointed axis only has been preserved, with the addition of rudimentary rays in Protopterus. Three recent genera and four species are known, viz.:—Lepidosiren paradoxa (fig. 88), from the Amazons and Paraguay ; Protopterus Fig. 88. Lepidosiren paradoxa. (From South America.) annectens, spread over the whole of tropical Africa; and Ceratodus, from the fresh waters of Queensland, with two species, C. forsteri and C. miolepis. Protopterus lives in shallow waters which periodically dry up. During the dry season they form a cavity in the mud, the inside of which is lined with a capsule of mucus, and from which they emerge again when the rains refill the pools inhabited by them. The balls of clay containing the fishes in a torpid condition are sometimes brought to Europe, and some are exhibited here. Lepidosiren has CHONDROSTEI. 99 receutly been found in abundance in swampy localities of the Chaco, Paraguay, whence the specimen exhibited was obtained. The Barramunda (Ceratodus, fig. 89) is locally plentiful in the The Barramunda (Ceratodus). (From Queensland.) Burnett, Dawson, and Mary rivers, and grows to a length of six feet. To the settlers it is known by the name of Burnett or Dawson Salmon. It can breathe either by gills or by its lung alone, or by both simultaneously. Fossil teeth have long been known from Triassic and Jurassic formations in various parts of Hurope, India, and America. CuonprostEI (Cases 29, 30).—The skeleton is cartilaginous, | Cases and the skin is naked or partially protected by bucklers. This 29, 30.] Suborder is divided into two families—Acipenseride and Polyo- dontide. To the former belong the Sturgeons (Acipenser), inbabi- tants of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere ; they are either entirely confined to fresh water, or ascend periodically, for the purpose of spawning, from the sea into rivers. About 20 different species can be distinguished. The best-known are the Sterlet (A. ruthenus) from Russian rivers, celebrated for the excellence of its flesh, but rarely exceeding a length of three feet ; the Hausen (A. huso), from rivers falling into the Black Sea and the Sea of Azow, sometimes 12 feet long, and yielding an inferior kind of isinglass ; the Common Sturgeon of the United States (4. macu- losus), which sometimes crosses the Atlantic to the coasts of Great Britain ; Giildenstadt’s Sturgeon (4. gueldenstedti), common in European and Asiatic rivers, which yields more than one fourth of the caviare and isinglass exported from Russia* ; the Common Sturgeon of Western Europe (A. sturio), which is said to attain to a length of 18 feet, and has established itself also on the coasts of ' * In a small table-case between Cases 30 and 31 samples of the best sort of Russian isinglass are exhibited. 100 FISH GALLERY. Eastern North America. A fine example from the Doggerbank is placed outside the case. Scaphirhynchus isa closely allied genus, of which four species are known—one from the river-system of the Mississippi, and the three others from Central Asia. The Polyodontide, or Sword-bill Sturgeons, which have the snout produced into an exceedingly long shovel-like or conical process, contain two species—one from the Mississippi, Po/yodon folium, growing to a length of about six feet ; the other, Psephurus gladius (exhibited in a tank opposite wall-case 29), inhabits the large rivers of China, the Yantsekiang and Hoangho. The great depth of the rivers in which these fishes live, as well as the turbid condition of their water, renders the organ of sight almost useless: the eyes of these Sturgeons, therefore, are remarkably small; and to obtain their food they evidently use the rostral process in stirring up the mud at the bottom, thus dislodging and finding the small animals on which they prey. Order VIII. CHONDROPTERYGIL. The skeleton is cartilaginous, with the vertebral column generally heterocercal. The body has median and paired fins, the hinder pair being abdominal. ‘The gills are attached to the skin by the outer margin, with several intervening gill-openings (except in the Chimeras, which have only one gill-opening on each side) ; a gill- cover is absent, as also the air-bladder. Some are viviparous, but the majority are oviparous. A pair of semiossified appendages of the pubic, called claspers, are characteristic of all male indivi- duals. These appendages are sometimes armed with hook-like osseous excrescences. They are irregularly longitudinally convo- luted, and when closely adpressed to each other form a canal open at their extremity. The ova are large and few in number, and invested with a tough leathery envelope or shell (fig. 90), presenting great variety of shape. This Order comprises the Chimeras, Sharks and Rays, and is divided into two Suborders—Holocephala and Plagiostomata. HoLocerHata, or Chimeras (Case 30). These arechiefly characterized by having one external gill-opening only, covered. by a fold of the skin; also their dentition strongly SHARKS. 101 resembles that of the Dipnoids. In fact this Suborder connects [Case 30.] the Ganoids with the Plagiostomes. It contains one family only, represented in. the living fauna by two genera—Chimera and Callorhynchus. Of the former three species are known—Ch. mon- strosa, from deep water off the coasts of Europe, Japan, and the Fig. 90. Egg of a Dog-fish (Scyllium). (From Magelhan Straits.) Cape of Good Hope; Ch. colliei, off the west coast of North America; and Ch. affinis, off the coast of Portugal. Callorhynchus antarcticus is common in the southern temperate zone, and differs from the preceding by the curious shape of the snout, which bears a cartilaginous prominence terminating in a cutaneous flap. Praciostomata, or Sharks and Rays. These have from five to seven gill-openings and the teeth are numerous. They differ greatly among each other with regard to [Cases 31-33,] 102 FISH GALLERY. the general form of their body. Inthe Sharks, or Selachoidei, the body is elongate, more or less cylindrical, gradually passing into the tail; their gill-openings are lateral. In the Rays, or Batovdet, the gill-openings are always placed on the abdominal aspect of the fish ; the body is depressed, and the trunk, which is surrounded by the immensely developed pectoral fins, forms a broad flat disk, the tail appearing as a thin and slender appendage. However, some of the Rays approach the Sharks in having the caudal portion less abruptly contracted behind the trunk. Fossil Plagio- stomes are very numerous in all formations, but in the oldest the only remains they have left consist of teeth and fin-spmes. Some of the earliest determinable fish-remains are believed to be, or are, derived from the Plagiostomes. The recent forms, of which nearly 300 species are known to exist, are arranged in the following families :— A. Selachoidei, or Sharks. 1. Carchariide. 2. Lamnde. 3. Rhinodontide. 4. Notidanide. 5. Scyllide. 6, Cestraciontide. 7. Spinacide. 8. Rhinide. 9. Pristiophoride. B. Batoidei, or Rays. 10. Pristtde. 11. Rhinobatide. 12. Torpedinide. 13. Raiide. 14. Trygonide. 15. Myhobatide. A. Sevacuorper: Sharks. Sharks are most numerous in the tropics, and become scarcer beyond; they are exclusively carnivorous, and those armed with powerful cutting-teeth are the most formidable tyrants of the ocean. Many of the smaller kinds are eaten. Sharks’ fins form in India and China an important article of trade (specimens of this article are exhibited in Case 32). Sharks have no scales, like other fishes; their skin is covered with calcified papillae, and if these papillz are small, poimted, and close-set, the skin is called “ shagreen.”” Carchariide (Cases 31-34).—To this family belong the true Sharks (Carcharias), common in the tropical, but less so in the temperate seas. Numerous species are distinguished, of which one of the most common is the Blue Shark (C. glaucus). Indi- SHARKS. 103 viduals of from twelve to fifteen feet are of very common occurrence, but some of the species attain a much larger size and a length of 25 or more feet. Such large specimens are very dangerous to man. The species of Galeocerdo (Case 33: two large specimens of G. arcticus, fig. 91, im the middle of the Gallery) also attain to a very Fig. 91. Galeocerdo arcticus. (From the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.) The figure of the tooth is of the natural size, and taken from a specimen : 11 feet long. large size, and belong to the most dreaded of their kind. On the other hand, the Tope (Galeus) is a diminutive form, spread over nearly al] the temperate and tropical seas, and common in California and Tasmania; one species (G. canis) occurs in British seas. The Hammerheads (Zygena) (Case 34) have the same powerful den- tition as Carcharias, and although they do not attain to the same large size, they belong to the most formidable fishes of the ocean. The peculiar form of their head is quite unique among fishes, the anterior part being produced into a lobe on each side, the extremity of which is occupied by the eye. The relation of this singular structure to the mode of life of the Hammerheads is not known. By far the most common is Z. malleus, which occurs in nearly all tropical and subtropical seas. The “Hounds” (Mustelus) are small Sharks, abundant on the coasts of all the temperate and tropical seas; two of the five species known occur on the coasts of Europe, viz. M. levis and M. vulgaris. [Case 34. | 104 FISH GALLERY. (Case 35.] Lamnide (Case 35).—All the fishes of this family attain to a very large size and are pelagic. The Porbeagle (Oxyrhina cornubica, fig. 92) occurs in the North Atlantic, frequently straying to the Fig. 92. Porbeagle (Ozyrhina cornubica), British coasts. It attains to a length of ten feet, and feeds chiefly on fishes; its lanceolate teeth are not adapted for cutting, but rather for seizing and holding its prey, which it appears to swallow whole. Carcharodon rondeletiit, of which enormous jaws are ex- hibited, is the most formidable of all Sharks. It is strictly pelagic, and appears to occur in all tropical and subtropical seas. It is said to attain to a length of 40 feet. The Fox-Shark or Thresher Fig. 93. Thresher Shark (Alopecias vulpes). The figures of the teeth are those of the upper and lower jaws, of the natural size, and taken from a specimen 14 feet long. (Alopecias vulpes, fig. 93) (exhibited in Case 35, and also in the corridor leading into this Gallery) is the most common of the larger kinds of Sharks which occur on the British coasts ; and seems to be equally common in other parts of the Atlantic and Mediterranean, as well as on the coasts of California and New Zealand. It attains toa length of 15 feet, of which the tail takes more than one half, and is SHARKS, 105 quite harmless to man. It follows the shoals of Herrings, Pilchards, and Sprats in their migrations, destroying incredible numbers ; when feeding it uses its long tail in splashing the surface of the water, whilst it swims in gradually decreasing circles round a shoal of fishes, which, thus kept crowded together, fall an easy prey to their enemy. The Basking-Shark (Selache maxima, fig. 94), Fig. 94. Basking-Shark (Selache maxima). of which a male specimen 28 feet long, obtained near Shanklin, Isle of Wight, is exhibited in the middle of the Gallery, is the largest Shark of the North Atlantic, growing to a length of more than 30 feet. It is quite harmless if not attacked, its food con- sisting of small fishes and other small marine animals which swim in shoals. On the west coast of Ireland it is chased for the sake of the oil which is extracted from its liver, one fish (it is said) yielding from a ton to a ton and a half. Its capture is attended with some danger, as one blow from its enormously strong tail is sufficient to stave in the sides of a large boat. The Rhinodontide comprise one species only, Rhinodon typicus, a gigantic Shark which, though in most respects agreeing with the Scylliide, resembles the Basking-Sharks in the structure of its gills. Tt is found in various parts of the Indian Ocean. ‘The specimen (18 feet long) exhibited in the middle of the Gallery was procured in Ceylon, and is quite young,—this species being known to exceed a length of fifty feet; its teeth are very small, as in the Basking- Shark, and, like that species, it is quite harmless. The Notidanide are characterized by having only one dorsal fin, without spine, opposite to the anal, and by lacking a nicti- tating membrane or eyelid ; they contain two genera—Nodidanus, [Cases 36-39, ] [Case 40,] 106 FISH GALLERY. distributed over nearly all the tropical and subtropical seas ; and Chlamydoselache, from Japan, Madeira, and Finmark. The Scylliide, or Dog-fishes, are mostly of small size. The teeth are small and generally arranged in several series; the fins are not armed with spines, a nictitating membrane is absent, and the spiracle is always distinct. Two species of Scylliwm are found on the British coast—the “ Larger” and ‘ Lesser Spotted Dog- fish,” S. caniculum and S. catulus. They are coast-fishes, living on the bottom, and feeding on crustaceans, dead fishes, Xc. The Zebra- or Tiger-Shark, Stegostoma tigrinum, one of the commonest and handsomest Sharks of the Indian Ocean, reaches a size of 10 to 15 feet. Crossorhinus (Case 39),a genus of ground Sharks from the Indo-Pacific Ocean; they are sluggish and he concealed on the bottom watching for their prey. In accordance with this habit their colour closely assimilates that of a rock or stone covered with short vegetable and coralline growth, a resemblance which 1s increased by the frond-like tentacles on the side of the head. The Cestraciontide (Case 40) have, like the preceding, several series of teeth simultaneously in function ; each of the dorsal fins is armed with a spine. This family is one of particular interest, because representatives of it occur in numerous modifications in Primary and Secondary strata. Their dentition (of which pre- parations are shown in Table-case C) is adapted for the prehension as well as mastication of crustaceons and hard-shelled animals. A few recent species are known, from various parts of the Pacific Ocean. The Spinacide, or Spiny Dog-fishes (Cases 39, 40), so called on account of the spine with which their dorsal fins are usually armed, are a family containing numerous genera, the majority of the species being of small size. Acanthias is the best known, the two species, A. vulgaris and A, blainvilli, occurring on the British coast. The species of Centrophorus live at a considerable depth, perhaps at a~ greater depth than any of the other known Sharks. The Portuguese fishermen fish for them in 400 or 500 fathoms with a line of some 600 fathoms in length. The Greenland Shark (Lemargus borealis) is an inhabitant of the Arctic regions, rarely straying to the latitudes of Great Britain. It grows toa length of about 15 feet, and is extremely voracious. The “ Spimous Shark” (Echinorhinus spinosus) is a ground Shark, probably living at some depth, and bunt. accidentally coming to the surface. More frequently met with in the Medi- RAYS. 107 terranean, it has been found occasionally on the south coast of England. The family of Rhinide contains only one species, the “ Angel-fish”’ or “ Monk-fish ” (Rhina squatina) (Case 41), which approaches the Rays as regards form and habits. Within the temperate and tropical ‘zones it is almost cosmopolitan; it does not exceed a length of five feet ; it is viviparous, producing about twenty young at a birth. — | The Pristiophoride (Case 41) resemble so much the common Saw-fishes as to be easily confounded with them, but their gill- openings are lateral, and not inferior. They are also much smaller in size, and a pair of long tentacles are inserted at the lower side of the saw. The four species known occur in the Australian and Japanese seas. B. Batorwer: Rays. The true Rays lead a sedentary life, moving slowly on the bottom, rarely ascending to the surface. They progress solely by means of the pectoral fins, the broad and thin margins of which are set in an undulating motion, identical with that of the dorsal and anal fins of the Pleuronectide, or Flat-fishes. They are exclusively carnivorous, like the Sharks, but unable to pursue and catch rapidly-moving animals. The Saw-fishes, Pristide (Case 41), agree with the Rays in the position of their branchial clefts. They are abundant in tropical, less so in subtropical seas. They attain to a considerable size, specimens with a saw 6 feet long and 1 foot broad at the base not being of uncommon occurrence. The saw renders them most dangerous to almost all the other large inhabitants of the ocean. Its skeleton con- sists of three, sometimes five, rarely four, hollow cylindrical tubes, placed side by side, tapering towards the end, and incrusted with an osseous. deposit, as shown in a preparation in Table-case C. The teeth of the saw are implanted in deep sockets of the hardened in- tegument, and are, as regards their origin, from dermal papille, and their mode of attachment a unique structure among Fishes. The teeth proper, with which the jaws are armed, are much too small for inflicting wounds or seizing other animals. Saw-fishes use the saw in tearing pieces of flesh off an animal’s body or ripping open its abdomen ; the detached fragments or protruding soft parts I [Case 41.] | Case 42.] 108 FISH GALLERY. are then seized by them and swallowed. They feed also largely on cuttle-fishes. . Lower view OF head of Saw-fish. The Rhinobatide (Case 42) contain the genera Rhynchobatus, Rhinobatus, and Trygonorhina. A fine series of Rhynchobatus ancylostomus, with preparations of its curious dentition, is exhibited in a separate case in the middle of the Gallery. They feed on hard-shelled animals, and attain scarcely a length of 8 feet. They are confined to the coasts of tropical and subtropical seas. The Torpedinide, or Electric Rays (Case 42).—The electric organs with which these fishes are armed are large, flat bodies lying one on each side of the head ; they consist of an assemblage of vertical hexagonal prisms, whose ends are in contact with the integuments above and below. ‘The fish gives the electric RAYS. 109 shock voluntarily, when it is excited to do so in self-defence or intends to stun or kill its prey; but to receive the shock the object must complete the galvanic circuit by communicating with the fish at two distinct points, either directly or through the medium of some conducting body. It is said that a painful I A \) ne \} TAT IN ii ; il \ | Msi a i HA ithe AT eS ) {) — = = SSS ass SSS]! = = = we iW i Electric Ray (Torpedo marmorata). (From the Mediterranean.) sensation may be produced by a discharge conveyed through the medium of a stream of water. The electric currents created in these fishes exercise all the other known powers of electricity : they render the needle magnetic, decompose chemical com- pounds, and emit the spark. The dorsal surface of the electric organ is positive, the ventral negative. This family contains several genera, of which Torpedo is the best known. Of the latter six species are known, distributed over the Atlantic and Indian 12 [Case 42. } 110 FISH GALLERY. Oceans ; three of them are rather common in the Mediterranean, and one (7. nobiltana) reaches the south coast of England. They attain to a width of from two to three fect, and specimens of that size can disable by a single discharge a full-grown man, and therefore may prove dangerous to persons bathing. [Case 48.] The Rade, or True Rays (Case 43), have a wide geographical _ range; they are chiefly inhabitants of temperate seas, and much more numerous in those of the northern than of the southern hemisphere. More than 80 species of the genus Raia are known, of which the followimg are found on the British coasts :—The Fig. 97. Sting-Ray (Trygon uarnak). (From Madras.) Thornback (R. clavata), the Homelyn Ray (R. maculata), the Painted Ray (R. albopicta), the Starry Ray (R. radiata), the RAYS. 111 Eagle-Ray (Myliobatis aquila). (From Madeira.) Fig. 99. Jaws of the Eagle-Ray (Myhobatis). Case 44. ] M2 FISH GALLERY. Sandy Ray (R. circularis), the Cuckoo Ray (R. miraletus), the Common Skate (R. batis), the Flapper Skate (R. macrorhynchus), the Burton Skate (R. marginata), and the Shagreen Skates (A. fullonica and R. vomer). Some of these species, especially the Skates, attain a considerable size, the disk measuring six and even seven feet across. All are eatable, and some of them regularly brought to market. Teeth are exhibited in Table-case C. The Trygonide, or Sting-Rays (Cases 43, 44), are as numerous as the Rays proper, but they inhabit tropical rather than temperate seas. ‘The specics armed with a spinc use it as a weapon of defence, and the wounds inflicted by it are, to man, extremely painful, and have frequentiy occasioned the loss of a limb. Some forms, however (Urogymnus, Case 43), are devoid of that caudal weapon. The genus Trygon is numerous in species, one of which (7. paséz- naca) occurs on the south coast of England. Large specimens of T. sephen and T. uarnak (fig. 97), and of a New-Zealand species (T. brevicauda), are exhibited on stands opposite Case 42 and in the corridor leading into this Gallery. The Myliobatide (Case 44), also called Devil-fishes, Sea-devils, or Eagle- Rays, are generally of large size, inhabiting temperate and tropical seas. ‘The tail is very long and slender. Some genera (Cephaloptera, Dicerobatis) possess a pair of singular cephalic processes, which generally project in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body, but are said to be flexible in the living fish, and used for scooping food from the bottom of the water and conveying it to the mouth. Some of them, if not all, attain an enormous size ; specimens weighing 1250 pounds, or measuring 20 feet in width, are on record. In the Myliobatina the dentition consists of perfectly flat molars, forming a kind of mosaic pave- ment in both the upper and lower jaws—a most perfect mechanical arrangement for crushing alimentary substances. Examples of the dentition are exhibited in Table-case C. CYCLOSTOMATA. (Case 44.) Their skeleton is cartilaginous and notochordal, without ribs and without real jaws; the skull is not separated from the vertebral column. Limbs are absent, and the body is eel-lke. The gills are in the form of fixed sacs, without branchial arches, numbering HAG-FISHES. 1i3 six or seven on each side, There is a single nasal aperture. The mouth is anterior and suctorial, surrounded by a circular or sub- circular lip. This Subclass comprises the Lampreys (Petramyzon) and Hag- fish (Myzxine). The former are found in the rivers and on the coasts of the temperate regions of the northern and southern hemispheres. Their habits are but incompletely known, but so much is certain that at least some of them ascend rivers periodically for the purpose of spawning, and that the young pass several years in rivers whilst they undergo a metamorphosis. In the larvee the mouth is toothless, and surrounded by an imperfect lip. The Lampreys feed on other fishes, to which they suck themselves fast, scraping off the flesh with their teeth. Whilst thus engaged they are carried about by their victim. The British species are the Sea- Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), exceeding a length of three feet, and not uncommon on the European and North-American coasts ; the River-Lamprey or Lampern (P. fluviatilis), ascending in large numbers the rivers of Europe, North America, and Japan, and scarcely attaining a length of two feet; the ‘‘ Pride” or ‘‘ Sand- piper” or “Small Lampern” (P. dbranchialis), scarcely 12 inches long, the larva of which has long been known under the name of Ammocetes. The Hag-fishes, or Myzine (tig. 100), are marine fishes Fig. 100. Hag (Myavine). (From the German Ocean.) g. Gill-opening. most plentiful in the higher latitudes of the temperate zones of the northern and southern hemispheres; some descend to a depth of 345 fathoms. They are frequently found buried in the abdominal cavity of other fishes, especially Gadoids, into which they penetrate to feed on their flesh. When caught, they secrete a thick glutinous slime in incredible quantities, and are therefore considered by fishermen a great nuisance, seriously interfering with the fishing in localities where they abound. [Case 44. , 114 FISH GALLERY. LEPTOCARDII. The Lancelet (Branchiostoma or Amphioxus) has been long considered to be the lowest in the scale of fishes, but it lacks so many characteristics, not only of this class, but of the Vertebrata generally, that it is better referred to a separate class, the chief characters of which are as follows :—Skeleton membrano-cartila- ginous and notochordal, ribless. No brain. Pulsating sinuses in place of a heart. Blood colourless. Respiratory cavity confluent with the abdominal cavity ; branchial clefts in great number, the water being expelled by an opening in front of the vent. Jaws none. | Six species of Lancelet (Branchiostoma, fig. 101) are known, and Fig. 101. Lancelet (Branchiostoma). a, mouth ; 6, abdominal pore; c, vent; d, anterior end of notochord. found at almost every suitable locality within the temperate and tropical zones. ‘Their small] size (rarely exceeding three inches), transparency, and the rapidity with which they are able to bury themselves into the sand are the causes why they so readily escape observation, even at localities where they are known to be common. Shallow, sandy parts of the coast, at some distance from the influx of fresh water, seem to be the places on which the Lancelet may be looked for ; in a larval condition it is frequently obtained in the tow-net at any distance from land. Abramis, 85. Acanthias, 106. Acanthoclinidx, 59. Acantholabrus, 77. Acanthopterygii, 57, 58. Acanthurus, 73. Acipenser, 98. Acipenseridx, 99. Acrochordine, 19, 22. Acronuride, 59, 73. Agamide, 7, 12. Agiossa, 36. Agua Toad, 39. Albacore, 65. Albula, 89. Alburnus, 85. Alepocephalide, 82. Alligator, 5. Terrapen, 28. Alopecias, 104. Alytes, 41. Amblycephalide, 19. Amblyrhynchus, 11. Amia, 96. Amioidei, 96. Ammoceetes, 113. Ammodytes, 80. Amphibolurus, 14. Amphignathodontidz,36, 41 Amphioxus, 114. Amphisbenide, 7, 9. Amphiumide, 42, 43. Anabas, 74. Anacanthini, 58, 78. Anaconda, 20. Anarrhichas, 72. Anelytropide, 7. Angel-fish, 107. Angler, 71. Anguid, 7, 10. Anguilla, 90. Anniellidx, 7. Anolis, 11. INDEX, Aphredoderidez, 59. Apoda, 33, 46. Arapaima, 88. Archeopteryx, 1. Arcifera, 36. Arius, 82. Aspredo, 83. Atherines, 59. Atherinids, 59. Axolotl, 42. Bagrus, 82. Balistes, 92. Band-fishes, 59. Barbel, 84. Barbus, 84. Barracuda, 59, 64. Barramunda, 99. Basking-Shark, 105. Bass, 59. Batagur, 28. Bathythrissidex. 82. Batoidei, 102, 107. Batrachians, 31. Batrachide, 59. Bayad, 82. Belone, 87. Berycide, 59. Bib, 79. Bitis, 24. Black Bass, 59. Bleak, 85. Blennies, 59. Blenniidex, 59, 72. Blind Snakes, 19, 20. Blindworm, 10. Boa, 20. Boide, 19. Boine, 19, 20. Bolty, 78. Bombinator, 41. Box-Tortoise, 28. Branchiostoma, 58, 114. Bream, 85. Brill, 81. Brook-Trout, 85, Bufonide, 36, 38. Bull-Frog, 37. Bullheads, 59, 63. Bulti, 78. Burbot, 79. Burnett Salmon, 99. Burrowing Snakes, 19, 20. Burton Skate, 112. Caiman, 5. Californian Toad, 11, 12 Callichthys, 83. Callionymus, 70. Callorhynchus, 101. Cantharus, 60. Caouana, 27. Carangidee, 59, 67. Caranx, 67. Carcharias, 102. Carchariide, 102. Carcharodon, 104. Caretta, 27. Caribe, 84. Carp, 84. Cat-fish, 82. Catla, 84. Caudata, 33, 42. Centriscidex, 59. Centrolabrus, '77. Centrophorus, 106. Cephaloptera, 112. Cepolide, 59. Ceratobatrachidx, 36, 4l. Ceratodus, 98, 99. Ceratophrys, 38. Cestraciontide, 102, 106. Chad, 60. Chetodon, 62. Chameleons, 15 116 Char, 85. Characinidz, 82, 84. Chaunax, 72. Chelmo, 62, Chelone, 27. Chelonia, 24. Cheloniidx, 26, 27. Chelydide, 26. Chelydra, 28. Chelys, 28. Chimera, 101. Chirocentridx, 82. Chlamydosaurus, 12, 14. Chlamydoselache, 106. Chondropterygii, 58, 100. Chondrostei, 96. 99. Chromides, 76, 78. Chrysophrys, 60. Chub, 85. Cirrhitidx, 59. Cistudo, 28. Climbing-Perch, 74. Clupea, 89. Clupeide, 82, 88. Coal-fish, 79. Cobitis, 85. Cobra, 19, 22. Cod-fish, 78, 79. Cecilia, 46. Coffer-fish, 93. Colubrid, 19, 20. Colubrine, 19. Comephoride, 59. Common Snake, 21. Conger, 90. Coral Fishes, 59. 61. -—— Snakes, 19, 22. Coregonus, 86. Coris, '77. Coronella, 21. Coryphena, 66. Cottide, 59, 62. Cottus, 63. Craig-fluke, 81. Crenilabrus, 77. Crocodilia, 3. Crocodilus, 4. Crossorhinus, 106. Crotaline, 19, 23. Crotalus, 24. Crucian Carp, 84. Ctenolabrus, 77. Cyclopterus, 70. Cyclostomata, 58, 112. Cyprinidz, 82, 84. Cyprinodontide, 82. Cyprinus, 84. Cystignathide, 36, 38. INDEX. Dab, 81. Dace, 85. Dactylethridz, 36, 42. Dactylopterus, 63. Dasypeltine, 19. Dawson Salmon, 99.' Deep-sea Fishes, 48. Dendrobatidz, 36, 38. Dendropbryniscide, 6 Devil-fish, 112. Dibamide, 7. Dicerobatis, 112. Diodon, 93. Dipnoi, 96, 97. Dipsadomorphine, 19. Discobolhi, 59, 69. Discoglosside, 36, 41. Dog-fish, 106. , Spiny, 106. Dolphin, 66. Dracena, 9. Draco, 12. Dragon, 12, Dragonet, 70. Drum, 64. Dyscophide, 36. Hagle-Ray, 111, 112. Earth-Snakes, 19. Eeaudata, 33. Echeneis, 65. Echinorhinus, 106. Eel, 89, 90. Kel-pout, 79. Egernia, 10. Elacate, 66. Elachistodontirs, 19. Elapine, 19, 22. Elaps, 22. Electric Cat-fish, 83. Kel, 89. Rays, 108. Elops, 89. Embiotocide, 76, 78. Emydide, 26, 28. Emys, 28. Engystomatide, 36. Epinephelus, 60. Eryces, 20. Hsocide, 82, 87. Eublepharide. 7. Exocetus, 63, 87. File-fish, 92. Firmisternia, 36, 41. Fishes, 47. Fishing-frog, 71. Fistulariidee, 59, 76. Flat-fishes, 78, 81. Flounder, 81. Flute-mouths, 59, 76. Flying-fish, 63, 87. Flying-Herrings, 63. Fox-Shark, 104. Freshwater Snakes, 22. Tortoises, 26, 28. Turtles, 26, 27. Frilled Lizard, 12. Frog, Common, 37. , Common Indian, 37. ——., Edible, 37. fishes, 59. ——,, Flying, 37. — , Horned, 38. ——., Marsupial, 39. ——,, Quadrumanous, 39. Gadide, 79. Gadoidei, 78. Gadus, 79. Galaxiide, 86. Galeocerdo, 103. Galeus, 103. Ganoidei, 58, 95. Gar-Pike, 86, 96. Gastrosteidx, 59, 75. Gavialis, 5. Gecko, 8. Geckonida, 7, 8. Geoemyda, 28. Gerrhosaurida, 7. Gharial, 5. Gigantic Tortoise, 29, Gilt-head, 60. Glass-Snake, 10. Glauconiidex, 19, 20. Globe-fish, 93. Gobies, 59. Gobiesocidse, 59. Gobiide, 59, 69. Gobius, 70. Goldfish, 84. Gonorhynchide, 82. Gourami, 74. Grayling, 86. Greenland Shark, 106. Green Lizard, 10. Turtle, 27. Grey Mullets, 59, 75. Gurnards, 59, 62, 63. Gymnarchus, 86. Gymnodontes, 92, 94. Gymnotide, 82, 88. Haddock, 79. Hag-fish, 113. Hair-tails, 59. Hake, 79. Tlalosaurid, 82. Hamadryad, 22. Hammerheads, 103. Haplochitonide, 82. Hatteria, 5. Hausen, 99. Hawk’s-bill Turtle, 27. Heloderma, 9. Helodermatids, 7. Hemiphractide, 36, 41. Heniochus, 62. Herring, 89. Hesperornis, 1. Heteropygii, 82. Heterotis, 88. Hippocampus, 91, 92. Hippoglossus, 81. Histiophorus, 68. Holacanthus, 62. Holibut, 81. Holocephala, 100. Homalopsinz, 19, 22. Homelyn Ray, 110. Hoplognathide, 59. Horned Toad, 12. Horse-Mackerels, 59, 67. Hound, 103. Hydroevon, 84. Hydrophiing, 19, 22. Hydrophis, 23. Hylide, 36, 39. Hyodontide, 82. Ichthyophis, 46. Iguanas, 9, 11. Iguanide, 7, 11. Jlysiidee, 19. Innocuous Snakes, 19. John Dory, 65. King-fish, 66. Labraz, 59. Labride, 76. Labrus, 77. Labyrinthici, 59, 74. Labyrinthodonta, 33. Lacertidx, 7, 10. Lacertilia, 6. Lemargus, 106. oie os Trout, 5 Lamnide, 102, 104. Lampern, 113. Lampreys, 58, 113. Lampris, 66. Lancelet, 114. INDEX. Land-Tortoises, 26, 28. Launce, 80. Leather-Turtles, 26. Lepidosiren, 98. Lepidosteoidei, 96, 97. Lepidosteus, 97. Leptocardii, 58, 114. Leuciscus, 84. Limbless 46. Ling, 79. Lizard, 6, 10. Loach, 85. Loggerhead Turtle, 27. Lophius, 71. Lophobranchii, 58, 91. Lophotide, 59. Lota, 79. Luciocephalide. 59. Lucioperca, 59. Lumpsuckers, 59, 70. Lutremys, 28. Lycodide, 79. * Mackerel, 59, 65. Macruride, 79. Mahaseer, 84. Malacanthide, 59. Malapterurus, 83. Malthe, 72. Marine Turtles, 27. Mastacembelidx, 59. Mata-Mata, 28. Meagres, 59, 64. Megalobatrachus, 44. Megalops, 89. Midwite Toad, 41. Millers’-thuimbs, 63. Minnow, 85. Molge, 43. Moloch, 14. Molwa, 79. Monacanthus, 92. Monitor, 9. Monk-fish, 107. Morelia, 21. Mormyride, 82, 87. Mossbanker, 89, Mud-fish, 96. Mugilide, 59, 75. Mullide, 59, 60. Murenide, 82, 90. Muskellonge, 87. Mustelus, 108. Myletes, 84. Myliobatid, 102, 112. Myzxine, 113. Naja, 22. Nandide, 59. Batrachians, 117 Naseus, 74. Natterjack, 38. Naucrates, 67. Nemachilus, 85. Newt, 48. Norway Pout, 79. Notacanthidz, 82. Notidanidx, 102, 105. _ Notopteride, 82. Nototrema, 39. Onus, 79. Opah, 66. Ophidia, 16. Ophidiide, 79, 80. Ophiocephalide, 59. | Ophiophagus, 22. | Urthagorwcus, 94, 95. Osmerus, 86. Osphromenus, 74. Osteoglosside, 82, 88. Ostracion, 92, 93. Oxudercidie, 59. Oxyrhina, 104. Pagelius, 60. | Pagrus, 61. Paleichthyes, 58, 96. Parrot-W rasses, 77. Pediculati, 59, 70. Pelagic Fishes, 48 Pelamys, 23. Pelobatide, 36. Perch, 59. Percide,, 59. Percopsidex, 82. Petromyzon, 113. Phaneroglossa, 36, Pharyngognathi, 76. Phrynosoma, 11. Phyllomedusa, 39. Physostomi, 58, 82. Pike, 86. Pike-Perch, 59. Pilchard, 88. Pilot-fish, 67. Pimelodus, 83. Pipa, 42. Pipe-fish, 92. Pipidie, 36, 42. Pit-Vipers, 19, 24, Plagiostomata, 100, Jul. Plaice, 81. Platax, 68. Plectognathi, 58, 92. Pleuronectes, 81. Pleuronectidx, 81, Podocnemys, 28, Pogonias, 64, 118 Pollack, 79. Polycentride, 59. Polynemidz, 59, 64. Polyodon, 100. Polyodontidee, 99, 100. Polypteroidei, 96. Polypterus, 96. Pomacentridzx, 76. Porbeagle, 104. Pout, 79. Power-Cod, 79. Pride, 113. Pristidz, 102, 107. Pristiophoride, 102, 107. Proteida, 42, 45. Proteus, 45. Protopterus, 98. * Psephurus, 100. Pseudis, 38. Pseudopus, 10. Pseudoscarus, 77. Psychrolutidx, 59. Pterois, 22. Puff-Adder, 24. Pygopodide, 7. Pythonine, 19, 20. Pyxidea, 28. : Raia, 110. Raiidz, 102, 110. . . Ranidz, 36, 37. Rat-Snakes, 20. Rattlesnakes, 19, 23, 24, Rays, 101, 110. Red Mullets, 59, 60. Rhinide, 102, 107. Rhinobatidez, 102, 108. Rhinobatus, 108. Rhinodontide, 102, 105. Rhombus, 81. Rhynchobatus, 108. Rhynchocephalia, 5. Ribbon-fishes, 59, 73. Ringed Snake, 21. Roach, 85. Rockling, 79. 3 Rock-Snakes, 20. Rudd, 85. Salamander, 42, 43. ——, Gigantic, 44. Salamandrida, 42. Salmon, 85. Salmonide, 82, 85. Sand-Eel, 80. Sand-Lizard, 10. Sandpiper, 113. _ INDEX. Sand-Snakes, 19. Sardine, 89. Sargus, 60. Saw fish, 107. Scaphirhynchus, 100. Scarus, 77. Sciena, 64. Sciznide, 59, 64. Scincide, 7, 10. Sclerodermi, 92. Scombresocidx, 82, 87. Scombride, 59. Scorpenidx, 59, 62. Scopelide, 82. Seyllide, 102, 106. Scyllium, 106. Sea-bat, 68. Sea-Breams, 59, 60. Sea-cat, 72. Sea-devil, 70, 112. Sea-hedgehog, 9-4. Sea-horse, 92. Sea-Perch, 59. Sea-Snakes, 19, 22. Sea-Surgeons, 73. Sea-Trout, 85. Sea-Turtles, 26. Sea-Wolf, 72. Sebastes, 62. Selache, 105. Selachoidei, 102. Seriola, 67. Serranus, 59. Shad, 89. Shagreen Skate; 112. Sharks, 100, 102. Shark, Blue, 102. , Spinous, 106. Sheep’s-head, 60. Sheltopusik, 10. Shore-fishes, 48. Siluride, 82. Silurus, 82. Siphonops, 46. Sirenide, 42, 45. Skates, 112. Skink, 10. Slowworm, 10. Smear-Dab, 81. Smelt, 86. Smooth Snake, 21. Snakes, 16. Snapper, 61. Sole BL. Solea, 81. Solenostomide, 91. | Sparide, 60. Sphargide, 26. Sphyrenide, 59, 64. Spinacidz, 102, 106. Spiny-rayed Fishes, 5, 8. Sprat, 89. Squamipinnes, 59, 61. Stegocephala, 33. Stenoptychide, 32. Sterlet, 99. Sticklebacks, 59, '75. Sting-Rays, 112. Stock-fish, 79. Stomiatide, 82. Sturgeon, 99. , Sword-bill, 100. Sucking-fish, 65. Sun-fish, 94. Surgeons, 59, 73. Surinam Toad, 42. Sword-fishes, 59, 68. Symbranchide, 82. Synanceia, 62. Syngnathide, 91. Syngnathus, 91, 92. Tailed Batrachanis, 24. Tailless Batrachians, 33, Tarpon, 89. Teguexin, 9. Teiide, 7, 9. Teleostei, 57, 58. Tench, 85. ~ Terrapen, 28. Testudinide, 26, 28. Tetrodon, 94. Teuthidide, 59. Thornoack, 110. Thresher, 104. Thymallus, 86. Thynnus, 65. Tiger-Shark, 106. Tiliqua, 10. Tinea, 85. Toad, 38.0 = , Fire-bellied, 41. Tomistoma, 5. Tope, 103. Torpedinide, 102, 108.° Torpedo, 109. Tortoise, 24. Toxotes, 62. Trachinide, 59, 63. Trachydosaurus, 10. Trachypteride, 59, 73 Tree-Frog, 38, 39. Tree-Snakes, 21. Triacanthus, 92. Trichiuride, 59. Trichonotide, 59, Trigla, 63. Triodon, 94. Trionychide, 26, 27. Tropidonotus, 21. Trout, 85. Trygonide, 102, 112. Trygonorhina, 108. Tuatera, 5. Tunny,.65. Tupinambis, 9. Turbot, 81. Turtle, 24. Typhlopidx, 19, 20. Umbride, 82. Umbrina, 64. ‘Urogymnus, 112. Uromastix, 14. INDEX. | Uropeltide, 19. Uroplatide, 7. Varanide, 7, 8. Varanus, 9. Vendace, 86. Viperide, 19. Vipering, 19, 23.. ° Vipers, 19, 23, 24. Water-Lizard, 9. Weevers, 59, 63. Wels, 82. Whip-Snakes, 21. White-fish, 84, 86. Whiting, 79. Wyrasses, 76. Xantusiide, 7. Xenopeltide, 19. Xenopus, 42. Xenosauride, 7. Xiphias, 68. Xiphiidee, 59, 68. Yellow-tail, 67. Zebra-Shark, 106. Zeus, 65. Zonuride, 7. Zygena, 103. PRIN TED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, 119 \ i s , a | : € 5 “2 / ; s | a { ‘ | ; j ri } / td {= F ‘ a M 5 ! ¥ i j F 44 4, ae ‘ ‘ i . ; bad : uf . "4 7’ \ ‘ a an he 5 r ¢ — ‘ } g / ra a 7 7 " t . J . 5 ’ | aR : iB : ] a ; Saye S | Di f : Com i 73 eh ae epee es Ser era